BA Book Everything
BA Book Everything wp plugin – the really fast and powerful Booking engine with management system for theme/site developers to create any booking or rental sites (tours, hostels, apartments, cars, events etc., or all together). BA Book Everything is free and will always be free! Magic one-click “Demo Setup” feature helps you get started with the plugin in minutes!
Rates and prices system is easy to use and incredibly flexible in adjusting any price variations based on seasons (dates), week days (weekend rates, etc.), number of the guests or/and number of the days/nights.
It’s highly customizable with hooks, so you need to have some programming skills to drive it on the top gear in your project. But even “out of the box” the plugin is ready for use and could be sufficient in many cases – Try Demo.
The BA Book Everything plugin is compatible with WPML plugin, one of the most popular WordPress multilingual tools.
- One-click “Demo Setup”
- Booking rules for nights, days or event booking
- Custom categories (tours, hotels, apartments, cars, events etc.) with own booking rules
- Easy to create custom taxonomies from the administrator screen to use them when editing booking objects
- Easy to create schedule and prices
- Flexible rate rules: minimum/maximum booking period, days of the week to which the rate applies, days of the week in which the reservation can be started
- Rule constructor for flexible prices based on number of the guests or/and number of the days/nights
- Setup prices for any age categories (customizable)
- Flexible Availability Calendar
- Cyclic availability: schedule items availability every N days for M days. Useful for cruises and other types of rentals with cycles other than a week
- Exclude certain dates from availability calendar
- Search form builder
- Promotional: discount Coupons, discounted prices with time constraints
- Full control on the Checkout process – e-mail confirmations and notifications, customizable booking form, checkout form, option for manually availability confirmation (both email and admin dashboard)
- Availability calendar with prices, synchronized with booking form widget
- Widgets: booking form, search form, taxonomy terms filter, prices filter
- Shortcode all-items
- 5 star rating integrated with WP comments
- Services and FAQ post types
- Google Maps API integrated to show address map or find nearest meeting points (for tours etc.)
- Internationalized and Translation ready (.pot file)
- Multilingual support for WPML plugin
- Hooks for customization (developers)
Available in Addons:
- Currency switcher
- PayPal payments
- Credit Cards payments with Stripe, including 3D Secure, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay and the Payment Request API
- Backend bookings from dashboard: creating, editing, cancellation, manual refund (full or partial)
- Editing/cancellation orders for both customers and administrators, extra charge, full or partial refund, custom refund rules
- iCal synchronization
- PDF invoices
- More than 20 integrations with popular payment systems
- other things by request
For any business
Apartments and Hostels
Tours and Excursions
Car rental
Boats and Yachts
Sports Equipment
Tool rental
Flexible Rate system
Age groups
Base & Seasonal
Complex rates
Sell Addintional Services
per Person / day(night)
Google Map API integration

Editing posts

Showing posts

Meeting points